Blade root reinforcements
Engineering the future of wind
Our pultruded blade root reinforcements combine unique strength and design freedom. The profiles are custom-made and ensure a quicker and more cost-efficient high-quality lamination process.
Blade Root Reinforcements
The fact that bushings can be placed closer together makes a reduced blade root diameter possible compared to a conventional T-bolt solution. Full-scale components have been tested in tensile loading – both in static and fatigue loading. For the blade manufacturer a reduced in-mould time is possible due to:
• Less material to be placed in blade mould
• Fast installation of bushings
• Reduced infusion and curing the profiles are custom-made and ensure a quicker and more cost-effective high quality lamination process.
Typical mechanical properties for the pultruded inserts
Coupon tests for characterization of the composite material
surrounding the bushing*
Longitudinal stiffness 38 GPa
Longitudinal strength 600 MPa
*additional test data are available upon request